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🔖 1 :sparkles: Adds to supported favicon APIs (by Lissy93)
SHA: d59466c7b5b268cc1d5e31f0cc8053d62504192c

🔖 2 :dizzy: Removes splash screen on by default (by Lissy93)
SHA: 7f4948aa0477032ce458b2dc0e1adfc37a2e5415

🔖 3 :children_crossing: When in edit mode, show confirmation before leaving page (by Lissy93)
SHA: 93a6ec08bab695981f108e3519f4852ba614105c

🔖 4 :bug: Fixes tile move bug (#366)

Closes #366. This issue was caused by item IDs not being regenerated after the previous move, causing the second part of the move operation (delete previous) to fail. It was fixed by calling regenerate item IDs after item removal (by Lissy93)
SHA: 3cbf7949c352612152a6e1b0d050a37b6cc64df0

🔖 5 :bug: Fixes save item without title bug  (#377)

Closes #377. This bg was caused by adding items without a title, meaning an ID could not be calculated. The solution was to add a validtion check to ensure that a title is specified befire saving (by Lissy93)
SHA: bf3ccc13d039b5e7f0b8358f00af59a0375420d8

🔖 6 :bookmark: Bumps to 1.9.5 and updates changelog (by Lissy93)
SHA: d60060edfb1065edb3895dd078daa2ca3f88aed2

🔖 7 :rotating_light: Fixes DeepScan logic warning (by Lissy93)
SHA: f1239f3aea9f78f103a161b0b87cea59ac13ca2d

🔖 8 🔀 Merge pull request #388 from Lissy93/FIX/minor-issue-fixes

[FIX] Couple of minor issues
Fixes  #366 #377 (by Lissy93)
SHA: 312450a89818d2a8afce8eda6c16df035880f614