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Version 0.10


* Migration (#120)
* Endpoint to get tasks on a list (#108)
* Sort Order for tasks (#110)
* Add files volume to docker compose docs
* Add motd config option to docs
* Add option to disable registration (#117)
* Add task identifier (#115)
* Add tests for md5 generation (#111)
* Add user token renew (#113)


* Fix new tasks not getting a new task index (#116)
* Fix owner field being null for user shared namespaces (#119)
* Fix passing sort_by and order_by as query path arrays
* Fix sorting tasks by bool values
* Fix task collection tests
* Consistent copyright text in file headers (#112)


* Task collection improvements (#109)
* Update copyright year (#118)
* Update docs with a traefik configuration
* Use redis INCRBY and DECRBY when updating metrics values (#121)
* Use utf8mb4 instead of plain utf8 (#114)
* Update docs theme