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* Task Attachments (#104)
* Task Relations (#103)
* Add endpoint to get a single task (#106)
* Add file volume to the docker image
* Added extra depth to logging to correctly show the functions calling the logger in logs
* Added more infos to a link share auth (#98)
* Added percent done to tasks (#102)


* Fix default logging settings (#107)
* Fixed a bug where adding assignees or reminders via an update would re-create them and not respect already inserted ones, leaving a lot of garbage
* Fixed a bug where deleting an attachment would cause a nil panic
* Fixed building docs theme
* Fixed error when setting max file size on 32-Bit systems
* Fixed labels being displayed multiple times if they were associated with more than one task (#99)
* Fixed metrics on/off setting
* Fixed migration for task relations
* Fixed not getting all labels when retrieving a list with all tasks
* Fixed panic when using link share and metrics
* Fixed rate limit panic when authenticating with a link share auth token (#97)
* Fixed removing reminders
* Small link share fixes (#96)


* Improve pagination (#105)
* Moved `teams_{namespace|list}_*` to `{namespace|list}_teams_*` for better consistency (#101)
* Refactored getting all lists for a namespace (#100)
* Refactored getting task IDs for labels
* Switched default logger to stdout instead of stderr
* update docs theme


* Move from markdown lists to Vikunja for roadmap