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This project is mirrored from Pull mirroring updated .
  • 1.9.5
    🔖 1 :sparkles: Adds to supported favicon APIs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: d59466c7b5b268cc1d5e31f0cc8053d62504192c
    🔖 2 :dizzy: Removes splash screen on by default (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 7f4948aa0477032ce458b2dc0e1adfc37a2e5415
    🔖 3 :children_crossing: When in edit mode, show confirmation before leaving page (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 93a6ec08bab695981f108e3519f4852ba614105c
    🔖 4 :bug: Fixes tile move bug (#366)
    Closes #366. This issue was caused by item IDs not being regenerated after the previous move, causing the second part of the move operation (delete previous) to fail. It was fixed by calling regenerate item IDs after item removal (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 3cbf7949c352612152a6e1b0d050a37b6cc64df0
    🔖 5 :bug: Fixes save item without title bug  (#377)
    Closes #377. This bg was caused by adding items without a title, meaning an ID could not be calculated. The solution was to add a validtion check to ensure that a title is specified befire saving (by Lissy93)
    SHA: bf3ccc13d039b5e7f0b8358f00af59a0375420d8
    🔖 6 :bookmark: Bumps to 1.9.5 and updates changelog (by Lissy93)
    SHA: d60060edfb1065edb3895dd078daa2ca3f88aed2
    🔖 7 :rotating_light: Fixes DeepScan logic warning (by Lissy93)
    SHA: f1239f3aea9f78f103a161b0b87cea59ac13ca2d
    🔖 8 🔀 Merge pull request #388 from Lissy93/FIX/minor-issue-fixes
    [FIX] Couple of minor issues
    Fixes  #366 #377 (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 312450a89818d2a8afce8eda6c16df035880f614
  • 1.9.4
    Version 1.9.4
  • 1.9.3
    Version 1.9.3
  • 1.9.2
    Version 1.9.2
  • 1.9.1
    🔖 1 Config JSON Editor Pointer Fix
    Adjusted/removed font class that was used in the editor to display the pointer correctly.
    Text is very slightly smaller and less bold. (by UrekD)
    SHA: 22ef6cf170940429ab4c4efc43794f64e6b985d4
    🔖 2 🔀 Merge pull request #315 from UrekD/master
    Config JSON Editor Pointer Fix
    Fixes #124 (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 3914807add215e7fe39a03e379c3f31d12106e94
    🔖 3 Add 12-evo-dashboard.png (by EVOTk)
    SHA: a5c4195e6100ef4dd13db8d0aa7f4a7eee9c1064
    🔖 4 Add EVO Dashboard (by EVOTk)
    SHA: fbd35e57124df342e31542923eaf4e67e8b518c5
    🔖 5 🔁 Merge pull request #316 from EVOTk/EVOTk-evodash
    My dashboard in showcase (by Lissy93)
    SHA: ba696143bb25eeb9f49012ec524126d7381ce374
    🔖 6 :bug: Fixes overlapping edit menu (#311) (by Lissy93)
    SHA: e9344fc122a8eda551c1198edf36a935663892db
    🔖 7 :bug: Fixes status check dot in edit mode (#301) (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 2acf3965d2eba3857280158cdfc384e71013cd15
    🔖 8 :bug: Fixes item text flicker on hover (#312) (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 65f6882e0db0d9b446b600deb599148f55b2256a
    🔖 9 :bug: Fix unequal button height in French (#311) (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 8bff8335f036bcb0c07264ef4dbca17a3dab1b13
    🔖 10 :memo: Fixes broken links in docs (#310) (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 5f9d1656256dde4cd1bad2fe388795ff0b093ffa
    🔖 11 :zap: Refactors class names in collapsible (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 453a3c107c2ffeddc3c7f8d6e69704ff6b34faf3
    🔖 12 :lipstick: Adds Adventure theme (by Lissy93)
    SHA: a3bc07cc69f10ede859f9b0b0c52bf59d869ef65
    🔖 13 :lipstick: Adds one-dark theme (by Lissy93)
    SHA: a54bdd687f6209b821cb8e5fe6360bd2bbc3d777
    🔖 14 :lipstick: Adds customizable shoaddow for nav-link-shadow (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 20aed447d69ab3fe34e875f5ebf701c2ce7b524a
    🔖 15 :art: Refactors color pallete to inherit top-level vars (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 6fcd993798b87cb5db3b134051f594523d73712d
    🔖 16 :sparkles: Adds option to change font from UI (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 7171632433858db6346906b04541975f46a6cb16
    🔖 17 :woman_technologist: Adds author field to package.json (by Lissy93)
    SHA: e07c5e6b4e2934f62b1e03a317d0d75155b220de
    🔖 18 :bookmark: Bumps to V 1.9.1 and updates changelog (by Lissy93)
    SHA: da929d09809e600c7fd077a26d1269ee885a035c
    🔖 19 :bug: Closes editor when saved locally (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 6863121916d24b124a3658fde6246c9607d89a82
    🔖 20 :vertical_traffic_light: Updates order of PR status badges (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 63af8b4d160d387c942412f3c97a224489396fae
    🔖 21 🔀 Merge pull request #319 from Lissy93/FIX/ui-editor-improvments
    [FIX] UI Bug Fixes for Interactive Editor + Style Refactor
    Fixes #301
    Fixes #310 
    Fixes #311 
    Fixes #312 (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 30530cb65bf8a89dcc89903cb4b377021ad3de50
  • 1.9.0
    Version 1.9.0
  • 1.8.9
    Version 1.8.9
  • 1.8.8
    Version 1.8.8
  • 1.8.7
    🔖 1 :zap: Include the index in item ID (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 2f3b89bbb0b7ca41e2b3247a3c25eab36c2b5c6f
    🔖 2 :boom: (#177)  Depricates old auth struct (by Lissy93)
    SHA: cff537b9ea9d14c048abf99e3c7b0daf4a82d9c6
    🔖 3 :lipstick: Updates min footer-height, to prevent scrollbar visible (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 894b7198f36ea0ed45e18acef9f0b7359d968128
    🔖 4 :raising_hand_man: Updates Support docs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 75ba48a237acbe363eaf183887c3577d0303a40f
    🔖 5 :hibiscus: Normalizes syntax in pr-badge yaml config (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 481072f0cb6392c3453b49c2e77d333186ac97a5
    🔖 6 :alien: Updates the initial, main config file (by Lissy93)
    SHA: c5d30f9d7d747f4e4ce56798979dd29e596f0c2d
    🔖 7 :memo: Small docs changes (by Lissy93)
    SHA: ca203bb8b87dc68b2e6c8757469d0f50bacf73bb
    🔖 8 :lipstick: Adds new soft glow light theme (by Lissy93)
    SHA: e35568092eafebfd80801f0d0b6e1bbf7367701c
    🔖 9 :bento: Adds missing Firefix favicons (#163) (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 7e4e2edc0cd494ce8c9e5126c5905e3879e2d9a3
    🔖 10 :lipstick: Hover color on description text of colorful theme (by Lissy93)
    SHA: e971a0b56bf7e45c3c4c1d3aed0a2fc5edf41ea9
    🔖 11 :zap: If only 1 section set, then expand on load (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 5fe79711bd0cf8c4d9ce8122eff0de3d2802d77a
    🔖 12 :iphone: Navbar show/ hide functionality on mobile (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 987f9044309b7756baf8af835ef3adef219deb81
    🔖 13 :iphone: Improved mobile responsivness for quick-settings (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 27a4f9fa5c525b010efed0481affdab0ab4df848
    🔖 14 :iphone: Quick-settings hidden by default on mobile (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 6bd6a5ade5d6c5e0f25b95e4eefa1f60e2082501
    🔖 15 :iphone: Improved splash screen for mobile devices (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 0bee4873b817af4fea7c1bdf257092b22af809cb
    🔖 16 :bug: (#274) Fixes relaive icon fetching, when base_url used (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 129891038f7076a4021eaeb2fe0e64255999ff74
    🔖 17 :pencil2: Fixes typo in App Version translation key (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 67b0e69b788f878bdfc4817e038a317886c33e1e
    🔖 18 :iphone: Ignore custom grid, when on tiny screen/ mobile (by Lissy93)
    SHA: a21dc505979a9c35dfe54b8916b3ab1bad2a3862
    🔖 19 :iphone: Improved responsivness for large items with grid layout (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 51789f8164dcde9a0686fe81969461d939e58a2b
    🔖 20 :pirate_flag: Adds Ye Pirate Speak (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 25a9751682bead3d62f22260ab203b0782bbb509
    🔖 21 :arrow_up: Updates dependencies (by Lissy93)
    SHA: f95b306157fb83fd2aa10c03c96ecd3cee3b2784
    🔖 22 :sparkles: Implements router history mode, for cleaner URLs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: fffa2319c1b8f6fd31f3521035d957d947e1b694
    🔖 23 ➕ Adds connect-history-api-fallback for history routing (by Lissy93)
    SHA: d79b2d19d87561e8b34e9edf042387186f309740
    🔖 24 :memo: Adds guides on automated backups, updating, healthcecks, performance, etc (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 96a0d6260a23cd8cdb9b912d68b5d7b41656740b
    🔖 25 :memo: Adds secure container management docs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 78963905cb25200dcbfb9cee2e363b18dcf252c5
    🔖 26 :hammer: Updates anti-spam action to not run for feedback (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 79ee9994e502aa5a05e98164eda62ce567b143e8
    🔖 27 :bento: Adds a back-button icon asset (by Lissy93)
    SHA: ff47cd237edf3b52290e45f6c233756fb7a41f1f
    🔖 28 :sparkles: Builds single-section view (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 9270b852030a7c82c1c61eb99a8e25a6bf206e27
    🔖 29 :adhesive_bandage: Fix text overflow on small items (by Lissy93)
    SHA: a45887fe48b97d04627542d6117806a39dc1b325
    🔖 30 :lipstick: Update built-in themes (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 050b3a141e81f0e198c37ecd571e615a7d68d915
    🔖 31 :adhesive_bandage: Fix syntax in assign-reviewer workflow (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 59c065580a47aa1314154875f591384282283753
    🔖 32 :memo: Updates docs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 9578d5f6be4f513433091d27fa8d7ee728557785
    🔖 33 :bookmark: Bumps to V 1.8.7 and updates changelog (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 0c8a9019c1ee09574891f3c834db85e901907f3d
    🔖 34 :arrow_up: Upgrades critical dependencies (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 41dd3fe336497b09b402184185df71b262335907
    🔖 35 🔀 Merge pull request #273 from Lissy93/REFACTOR/new-initial-config
    [REFACTOR] Fix Firefox icon, new Glow theme, bug fixes, refactors, and more (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 1469e4b7159f67343c4b8732e0b33b286ebda5b2
  • 1.8.6
    Version 1.8.6
  • 1.8.5
    🔖 1 :sparkles: Adds support for home-lab icons (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 5ae100b44f8cbd1c5455eb296030c1e232a2008f
    🔖 2 🐛 Fix (hopefully) username ignore check (by Lissy93)
    SHA: cf92331d8e050b4942a778dfe80f6739d82104de
    🔖 3 :memo: Updates privacy docs, re Generative icons (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 66e4ada28f0bfd077bc5fcbedd5b8400efe86de1
    🔖 4 :alien: New API for generative icons, Re: #163 (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 5ec2abcf81c11dcd43e7da172dd7633878b5f291
    🔖 5 :sparkles: Re: #255 - Adds an option for landing URL in workspace (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 2f1dd2a9fa002e22e4735fe07303a0ebed65703c
    🔖 6 :card_file_box: Re: #255 - Adds workspaceLandingUrl into schema (by Lissy93)
    SHA: bc100b81434ce02aa9b7489eed2c9aa6d4f9006e
    🔖 7 :zap: Re: #254 - Adds new tab functionality to Workspace (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 0bfca16dda66a4670e3435b85f2729271bd476b0
    🔖 8 :adhesive_bandage: Re: #259 - Remove CSS validation (by Lissy93)
    SHA: dbb036bf309f7e2ce4dce8b82fb962ed993f33e3
    🔖 9 Merge branch 'master' of into IMPROVMENTS/user-requested-modifications (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 37a22db971dd2902248cd7cf7c3a717f746cab2f
    🔖 10 :building_construction: Auto-apply PR label based on branch name (by Lissy93)
    SHA: b2a0a91720f5506d1d9b827e3c9f4f57a65e3cda
    🔖 11 :building_construction: Marks issues as fixed, once PR is merged (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 68f02e3b561ac07ea5f63b59c2f123d91d8cd875
    🔖 12 :building_construction: Apply or remove label when waiting for response (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 2162424ad098546a3cacf5c4c456de5b26900d68
    🔖 13 :building_construction: Check if user not contributor (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 5ebbe25c6e079c9c07896dd25ebee281d2097615
    🔖 14 :adhesive_bandage: Fix actions for get size and label sponsors (by Lissy93)
    SHA: bbf3cea284a888dcbbc60c5fe7888900d568591b
    🔖 15 :building_construction: Updates/ adds actions for generating repo reports and info (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 6b8262c12ee4ffdeb036f78e6dabecc3b9fafa28
    🔖 16 :building_construction: Action to auto-assign author as PR reviewer (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 7b2ef2dda56606a1e6b8762a79bb55423e8f335f
    🔖 17 :building_construction: Adds action to check docs domain SSL cert and expirey (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 633dc7ee0c9d5ab6d9b652447ecebceee4aab845
    🔖 18 :building_construction: Adds action for easy PR rebasing (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 6c421e0b0754c57375d74feb1d6893d6fd55d088
    🔖 19 :building_construction: Adds action to check for duplicate issues (by Lissy93)
    SHA: de76deaa5759a17490a6ee98928f96f37045348f
    🔖 20 :building_construction: Adds actions to unfurl links, and check for broken links in docs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 8c9398dfafd6579ac7254cc87b0c80fd359e903f
    🔖 21 :adhesive_bandage: Fixes syntax errors in actions (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 4b758f4e4136d95c5337b95604ad5e2491d716db
    🔖 22 :adhesive_bandage: Fixes syntax in gen credits (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 018576fd244f5b0224979c1d8b905f22102be686
    🔖 23 :lipstick: (#250) Item description capped at 2 lines (by Lissy93)
    SHA: b88f128154d4d3a34941ff8f3977533058598d68
    🔖 24 :sparkles: (#250) Adds option for custom column count (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 98d50446a165b05c6894057aaf6be0d46cdf1a6e
    🔖 25 :card_file_box: (#250) Adds colCount to schema and docs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: c8961207187519b15db40d60c9ed8b914db05b37
    🔖 26 :bookmark: Bumps to V 1.8.5 and updates changelog (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 8926eab1f09764a00591309a2df9f714b594134d
    🔖 27 :construction_worker: Update PR size checker, with strip hash regex, and custom tags (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 248b65537e7e55f068260df6ab76af9705e23bb8
    🔖 28 :construction_worker: Updates hash regex in PR size checker action (by Lissy93)
    SHA: c830f308b0f1e1b497cfe61a662b135a43ea789a
    🔖 29 :construction_worker: Updates hash regex in PR size checker action (by Lissy93)
    SHA: fb8024df579648b176b0b0ff31682fca3d1e5aea
    🔖 30 :construction_worker: Updates hash regex in PR size checker action (by Lissy93)
    SHA: d4aa0eade89865e47c2f582e2b5369bdcb727f1b
    🔖 31 :construction_worker: Updates hash regex in PR size checker action (by Lissy93)
    SHA: e8b7ee1225dc86efdf422c325d5643867b56eed5
    🔖 32 🔀 Merge pull request #261 from Lissy93/IMPROVMENTS/user-requested-modifications
    [IMPROVMENTS] User-Requested Modifications
    Fixes #255 
    Fixes #254 (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 9b1c457ddd6c4b0df29bcf81f2ac7e79e487b686
  • 1.8.4
    Version 1.8.4
  • 1.8.3
    🔖 1 :zap: Show loader when route changes (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 0927ea879b82056b8c9bfe9f82cce5b99eb2a9f4
    🔖 2 :children_crossing: Adds user-facing warning logging (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 6e0cda8709de6aded9c97e7f016b68c5b01cf5ee
    🔖 3 :zap: Replace error with warning for failed user actions (by Lissy93)
    SHA: cdab7981bd3bbb36e39b980d601830742d3dae67
    🔖 4 :sparkles: Show splash screen before app loaded (by Lissy93)
    SHA: b00c9ad90297ff1bb2c69de664b50c824a0fdc50
    🔖 5 :dizzy: Hide loader, if still visible (by Lissy93)
    SHA: b532e168fe2da0fb6b96f8d2601ed3e9e8641ec5
    🔖 6 :fire: Splash screen now off by default (by Lissy93)
    SHA: d6a2c4d8106dcf9363f01355a9749d1ffd8e77c4
    🔖 7 :bookmark: Bumps to V 1.8.3 and updates changelog (by Lissy93)
    SHA: b3d0519d8d750d3146a916ca60df1e9fb3c1f71f
    🔖 8 :wheelchair: Adds lang attr, for accessibility (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 3a301afc6542c52eb4fd2530ad0ef6632687f2a3
    🔖 9 🔀 Merge pull request #238 from Lissy93/FEATURE/improved-loading
    [FEATURE] Improved Loading (by Lissy93)
    SHA: e0d93659d722d79f7ed561a5716b863d0b16dcff
  • 1.8.2
    Version 1.8.2
  • 1.8.1
    Version 1.8.1
  • 1.8.0
    Version 1.8.0
  • 1.7.7
    Version 1.7.7
  • 1.7.6
    🔖 1 :sparkles: Adds helper functions for search bangs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 55beeaf010c7f817525390c2415afd5d5d4a787a
    🔖 2 :truck: Refactor with new search util (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 0e8eb992fb036632f1e65e81180c15741cbff361
    🔖 3 :sparkles: Re: #206 - Implements support for search bangs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 688dece9155b423b6aa62eebfedc69d48ad2807f
    🔖 4 :green_heart: Fix alert, remove event listener when component destroyed (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 0f651b281a78704ffb948e9e8fca3c69daeb096a
    🔖 5 :card_file_box: Adds searchBangs to schema and docs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 4525f86281b5051215fb95f114464598c3ca6e90
    🔖 6 :memo: Adds docs for using search bangs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 2a7bf05cc3461e9a6ccd984b659308dacfefae87
    🔖 7 👷 Updates PR auto comments (by Lissy93)
    SHA: a702fae146ff03b2163d4b0a47a03459c0eeeb33
    🔖 8 Merge branch 'master' of into FEATURE/multi-search (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 6e96c12738a9a0681ec3371ff9688a38dc8284b9
    🔖 9 👷 Change on-update from edit to recreate (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 3e6a1faec5d538e314299cd0208d6908c3e5466f
    🔖 10 :card_file_box: Adds scema doc for searchBangs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: b901a04d4a18288fe99f9d4df350dc5f17061011
    🔖 11 :bookmark: Bumps to V 1.7.6 and updates changelog (by Lissy93)
    SHA: ee56183ed937d3d258d553b22de7940c4641490e
    🔖 12 🔀 Merge pull request #224 from Lissy93/FEATURE/multi-search
    [FEATURE] Multi-Search with Custom Bangs
    Fixes #206 (by Lissy93)
    SHA: fd3c043d867f7813518beeb9773dd65768f27e84
  • 1.7.5
    🔖 1 :lipstick: Increase size of language switcher modal (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 0e6dfc10fb5f5c968e9e51fc267cb03ecb247198
    🔖 2 :iphone: Improved display for smaller screens (by Lissy93)
    SHA: fb0489ff2e90f56cb0cb12aede6acfd778be7fa6
    🔖 3 :coffin: Remove lang from accumulator (by Lissy93)
    SHA: e176b4bf7191bf50e1cc394b349d78d880f43687
    🔖 4 :lipstick: Nicer design for language swtitcher (by Lissy93)
    SHA: e7fb8e2d01f372cf1adf5fdd982a5e218880a5a9
    🔖 5 :art: Smarter language auto-detection (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 15b38cc6aca900a3fd0b5654a1b5bd42c6d329f3
    🔖 6 :zap: Adds filter key to error handler (by Lissy93)
    SHA: ad069bdf308c1c96b35de76ba10e6c1ee3f72c4d
    🔖 7 :lipstick: Nicer design for language swtitcher (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 412d341b23db9e145900c475bc4702531549b284
    🔖 8 :memo: Adds contents page to configuring docs (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 25078bf4d7e221f0e4d6e740bbdf3364ca8ec2af
    🔖 9 :bookmark: Bumps to V 1.7.5 and updates changelog (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 5a8e24b731cb5f79e8935f948b7a3731c871dc63
    🔖 10 🔀 Merge pull request #223 from Lissy93/REFACTOR/improved-language-detection
    [REFACTOR] Improved Language Detection (by Lissy93)
    SHA: 51e21296b54868adb71809539dd4fb5483fbab23
  • 1.7.4
    Version 1.7.4